For many years I worked as a Spiritual Care Lead in a hospice where I had the privilege of talking with people from all walks of life about the things that mattered to them.
The people I listened to taught me a great deal of wisdom about what it means to live well.
Some inspired me by the rich relationships they had developed, meaningful contributions they had made, and inner peace they had cultivated.
Others shared regrets of wasted time, unfulfilled dreams, and joy they had postponed for a tomorrow they never saw.
Some of our conversations were a catalyst to questioning my own inherited beliefs that started a great unravelling; one which has led to reimagining a more loving and inclusive spirituality.
Each person taught me that life is a gift.
I created this blog to grapple with questions and explore ideas. Not so much to find the answers as to live with intentionality and meaning; so that when I die, I will know that I have lived.
Life is a gift, what you do with your life is your gift to the world.